The Education Foundation was established under the Punjab Education Foundation Act of 1991 as an autonomous statutory body to encourage and promote education on non-commercial/ non-profit basis. Since then, it has come a long way to arrange free quality education for the deserving children at their doorsteps.
The Punjab Education Foundation has been restructured under the Punjab Education Foundation Act-XII of 2004 for the promotion of education, specially encouraging and supporting the efforts of the private sector in providing education to the poor, through public private partnership.

Chairperson's Message
Malik Shoaib Awan
“The best of charity is when Muslim man gains knowledge, then he teaches it to his brothers (others).” (Muhammad PBUH)
“Literacy is a bridge from misery to the hope, bulwark against poverty and a building block of development” (Kofi Annan)
Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) is playing a leading role in the promotion of free quality education in the low income families through its private partners in all the 36 districts of the province. At the outset, I would point out that keeping in view PEF’s immaculate performance and success in reaching out to the needy segments of the society, this Foundation has been entrusted by the Punjab Government to enrol around 2.5 million underprivileged children.
Managing Director’s Message
Mr. Shahid Farid
“The best of charity is when Muslim man gains knowledge, then he teaches it to his brothers (others).” (Muhammad PBUH)
“Literacy is a bridge from misery to the hope, bulwark against poverty and a building block of development” (Kofi Annan)
The article 25- A of the Constitution of Pakistan provides right of free and compulsory education to all children and Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) is playing vital role in supplementing the efforts of School Education Department, Govt. of the Punjab, while actualizing this constitutional commitment to ensure that not a single child is left out of the school due to financial constraints or non-provision of access to the education, across Punjab.
Board of Directors
The governing body of the Foundation is a B.O.D with 15 Directors (7 ex-officio and 8 Nominated) with full financial and administrative powers. Term of the office of nominated Directors is three year. The present composition of the Board of Directors is as follows:-

Malik Shoaib Awan
Designation: Chairperson

Mr. Muzammil Mehmood

Dr. Basit Khan

Ms. Asma Waziri

Mr. Muhammad Irfan Akram

Rana Phool-ur-Rehman